We have already started getting news from political science students, awarded with Annual Polit IQ Summer School scholarship 2018! Uliana Dolgikh shares her story at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra  (Barcelona, Spain): I would like to stress that summer school at the University Pompeu Fabra offers not only an academic, but also a cultural program. Thus, […]


One of the greatest aspects of studying at Peking University is an opportunity to knowledge not only “in class” but also during the meetings with real decision-makers and World`s largest companies. During the course, dedicated to the China`s Belt and Road initiative, we met people, working at the Ministry of Trade and Ministry of Environmental […]


Dear Polit IQ Team, Before I go any further, I would like to express my gratitude for the opportunity to get the best educational experience in my life! London School of Economics and Political Science is one of the best educational institutions in the United Kingdom and in the World, and my experience proves it. […]


Intigam Mamedov is a post-graduate student, member of the Board of Young Scientists of the faculty of political studies at the Moscow State University, a participant of PolitIQ programme which was launched in 2016.
